Friday, September 26, 2014


"Madison makes it clear that the purposes of the federal government, or the Union, the union of all the states is beneficial because it will best control the effects of "factions." Today we would call them "special interests" but the meaning is the same. Sometimes, people seem to think that the U.S. government was founded by moral idealists but on the contrary the founders seemed to have a very pessimistic view of human conduct."

What I think Madison is trying to say in this passage is that the purpose of the government is for good cause and beneficial to the people. He says that the government will best control the effects of factions, meaning the people do need someone to have control over them to avoid chaos. He also states that the founders of the U.S. government seemed to have a very "pessimistic view of human conduct" in which I believe he is trying to say that they observed human conduct and by their observations believed humans needed someone above them to take charge and have control over broad actions and make rules to keep everyone and everything under control.

I chose this passage because it was one that I was able to break down to myself. What I found interesting in this passage was what Madison said about the founders view on human conduct. I've never thought in debt about the founders and why they came up with what they came up with. This specific passage made me think and understand why they would have come up with the system of a government. They must have seen how humans conducted themselves and the way towns were run with out a government and saw that there had to be some time of control over the people.

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