Thursday, September 18, 2014


"We are all foreign-born or the descendants of foreign born, and if distinctions are made between us they should rightly be on some other ground than indigenousness." This line was taken from Randolph Bourne's essay "Trans-national America" I very much agree with this statement he made. If we really think about it, the real "Americans" are the Native Americans who were here way before any of us or the colonist who came to this country and "discovered America" So many of us here were born in the country but we are ALL here because of our descendants who were born in other countries and came to the new found land, America. Often times immigrants or "foreigners" are discriminated against or expected to become "Americanized" but why should they? Why are they any different then those who came to this country decades ago? This statement is saying if any differences are to be made between us  they should not be based on where we come from when everyone in this country comes from somewhere else.

The reason why I chose to write about this passage is because it was one line that stood out to me and I strongly agree with it. I personally have faced occasions where I've been treated like a foreigner when I was born in this country. Like many others, my parents came here from another country, but what makes me any less American then the next person who was also born here? What people need to realized which is stated in this passage is as Bourne says, WE ARE ALL DESCENDANTS OF FOREIGN BORN. 

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